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The world is a big place

The world is a big place indeed with everyone’s dream destination in the mixing pot… From the coolest neighborhood of New York, the savannas of Serengeti, Champs-Élysées in Paris, to the wild jungles of South Asia. We traveled to every corner of the globe to seek out those mind and heart-stopping moments.

Destination Management Done Right

You do not just need to get from A to B. You need an effortless experience, with built-in support and seamless technology to help you along the journey. We are here to take you places - just point the way.

Move smooth, with a seamless and consistent service across all devices, and smart AI to guide your journey. That’s right. Our technology delivers frictionless travel, minimum noise and a whole lot of content.

One-size-fits-all travel programs just don’t cut it. You need plans that adapt, experts on call, and technology that makes your journey seamless. Let us enhance your travel program and help you always stay ahead.

Destination Management Success

Your delegates’ experience is our priority – ensuring your event is the catalyst for business growth. So, what constitutes a successful program? The answer is simple – deep audience engagement. And that is a very different skill from just delivering the complex logistics of an event. It requires a very clear understanding of the objectives, the culture of the organization, the mood, the demographic of the audience and very importantly = the operations of the business.

Tune Up Events is a Creative Destination Management Company

We are carefully considering every phase of the audience’s interaction with the goals of the event -intellectually, physically and emotionally.

One of the ways to do this is to provide event production closely integrated with the logistics. This means that rather than just choosing hotels and activities, our role is to combine every aspect of an event to enhance its overarching message. Every facet of an event, whether it’s the food, venues, hotels, theming, entertainment, transport, event production, MCs, is taken into consideration to make every moment, and every interaction, count.

So next time you’re looking for a Destination Management Company, ask them about how they can help you to truly engage your audience.